Segregating environments – Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect

In the beginning stages of your digital transformation journey with API Connect,you will be having discussions about vendor products, licensing, physical hardware, and so on. All of this will be dependent on how many different environments you have within your SDLC. Each environment will have its own set of requirements, such as the number of servers required, high availability, and security. As you know, each environment will serve a different purpose within the SDLC, but should not have a physical dependency or interaction with other environments. That is, each environment should be its own self-contained, independent entity.

When we talk about environments being independent and isolated, this could mean different things for different environments. For example, you may only require a logical separation between your development and QA environments where they share resources, whereas your production environment will likely be physically isolated from all other environments. You might also have a performance test environment that will need to be more production-like so that you can get more realistic performance metrics when running your tests. Or, maybe you might have an entirely segregated PCI environment where it is on separate hardware segregated on an isolated network. The point is, you will need to segregate your environments from each other in one way or another. Let’s take a look at the different ways we can segregate each environment from the others.

Logical segregation

Let’s face it, having all of your environments physically segregated so that no one environment can interfere with another sounds ideal. I’m sure you have had your share of experiences where a developer is trying something new in the development environment that brings down the entire infrastructure or its runtime halts all QA testing. Or maybe there is a performance test being conducted that is meant to push the limits of the infrastructure and that brings down all other environments. As much as it would be nice to not have to worry about this, the reality is, standing up separate hardware, acquiring new licensing, and managing separate infrastructures for each environment can get very costly. This is why you will likely combine some of your lower environments into one single API Connect installation and provide logical segregation so that each environment can act and perform independently.

As we covered the logical components of your API Connect environment in Chapter 3, Setting Up and Getting Organized, you saw how we create logical segregation at several different levels. As a refresher, take a look at Figure 11.20, which shows how the API Connect environment is organized within each provider organization.

Figure 11.20 – API Connect organization structure

Each layer shown in Figure 11.20 depicts another level of isolation and segregation. Of course, you are not likely to name your products and APIs by the environment, so we are talking about provider organizations, and Catalogs when discussing opportunities for environment segregation.

At the topmost level of our hierarchy shown in Figure 11.20, is the provider Organization. We know that you can configure multiple provider organizations within one cloud manager, so this is your highest level of segregation that you can have within one API Connect installation or cloud manager. At this level, you assign a single provider organization owner who has total control over the provider organization setup, who invites members, creates Catalogs, and so on. At this high level in the hierarchy, you can choose to create a provider organization for each environment, or you can configure this at the top level of your organization. You may also configure separate provider organizations for subsidiaries or branches of your company. The important thing to remember when making this decision is that at the highest level of isolation within the cloud manager, members of one provider organization cannot view or manage anything within another provider organization, including Catalogs, spaces, products, and APIs. This level of isolation should help guide you in making your decision as to how you want to organize and configure your provider organizations.

Moving on to the next layer in our organization, we look at the Catalog. You can have one or more Catalogs within a provider organization. You can also provide user access and permissions at the Catalog level, as well as specifying the API lifecycle approval process as we have seen. Since you also configure your gateway service at this level, any runaway API running on one environment will not impact the gateway or runtime on another. Unless, of course, it is exhausting resources at the hardware level, impacting everything on the physical hardware. So as you can see, the entire product and API lifecycle from development to publishing is isolated from all other Catalogs. Even the developer portal is logically segregated by Catalog where consumer organizations can be created, apps developed, and products subscribed to, all by Catalog. Of course, there is only one developer portal, but a user will only see one Catalog at a time as if it’s a separate developer portal entirely. With the level of control and segregation of the access, permissions, and API lifecycle the Catalog provides, this would be a convenient level to configure your environments that require logical separation. Creating a separate environment or Catalog for each of your lower environments under one provider organization would certainly satisfy the logical segregation you might be looking for.

Throughout this and the previous chapter’s discussions on topics such as API development, the developer portal, the API and product lifecycle, users, roles and permissions, and gateway services, we noted how each can be set up and controlled down to the Catalog or space level. Components that are not overridden at this level, such as user registries, will be inherited from the provider organization.

At the lowest level of this structure, we have spaces. Although spaces are another level of isolation within the Catalog, they inherit most of their configuration from the Catalog itself. Most importantly, the developer portal. Because of this, spaces would not be a good candidate for isolating your different environments. You can refer to Chapter 3, Setting Up and Getting Organized, to learn more about spaces.

What’s New in V10.0.1.5?

There are new capabilities introduced in v10.0.1.5 that provide more flexibility with Catalogs and spaces. Visit What’s new in the latest release (Version

As you are digesting the different options presented here to logically segregate your environments, let’s think about one more option, which is a hybrid approach. Until now, we have been talking about one layer of segregation, which is the environment within our SDLC. Mostly, this logical separation is for our lower environments, which would not include production because we will likely have some physical segregation for that. So, we are dividing our environments into production and non-production for obvious reasons. What if we take that one step further and divide our non-production environments as well? As we mentioned, your development environment will likely have fewer controls, more changes, and more issues. Because of this, you might think about separating your development and testing environments from each other. This is where a hybrid approach might come in handy. Perhaps you might provide this development and testing environment at the provider organization level, and then the different environments within them at the Catalog level. Figure 11.21 shows how that might look:

Figure 11.21 – Provider org and Catalog environment segregation

We have presented different levels of logical segregation for each environment within our SDLC, which will satisfy all the appropriate logical segregation for the entire API lifecycle. So, which one should you use? There is not a one-size-fits-all answer here. It is entirely up to you. You must decide which level of segregation fits into your organization. API Connect provides different options and much flexibility for you to fit your needs. With this comes decision-making on how to make this segregation work for your organization.

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