Physical segregation- Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect

Of course, logical segregation is not always the answer for all environments. Remember the cowboy developer experimenting with some new idea that is consuming all of the machine’s resources? Or maybe just a small piece of code going into an infinite loop! Either way, any new and untested piece of code has the ability to wreak havoc on the hardware and infrastructure it resides in. And your code is not fully tested until it goes through your entire testing process, including performance testing. The point is, any of your lower environments have the potential to inflict unintended harm on the environment impacting all other environments on the shared infrastructure. This is why we wouldn’t want to cohabitate our production environments with our lower environments. Besides, your production environment is likely to be more robust, providing high availability, failover, and security from a physical network perspective.

Physical segregation might also be required for other environments where you will need a production-like configuration such as for performance testing where you want to see how the environment will behave under a production load. Or, perhaps you have an entirely isolated production environment that is more secure, such as for PCI processing. Or, maybe a separate internal and external facing environment. There are many situations where logical segregation will not suffice.

Physical segregation of your environments provides the benefits of complete isolation where it shares nothing with any other environment. Although this may be necessary for some environments, it does come at a cost. Basically, this is a new installation of API Connect. This not only requires new licensing but think about the entire planning process when setting up a new API Connect installation. You will require new hardware, a new network and DNS configuration, new certificates, and the resources to perform the initial install and configuration. Although this sounds like a lot of work, it is necessary to achieve complete segregation for your most critical environments.

As we conclude this section on environment segregation, you can see that you have several options, each with its own set of pros and cons. Understanding the cost and benefit of each along with your hardware requirements will help guide you through planning and implementing your own environment segregation strategy. Keep in mind that you can certainly mix and match these as you see fit. For example, you could use Catalogs to segregate your pre-production environments within one provider organization and have a completely new installation of APIC for your production environment. This would give you the cost-effectiveness and simplicity of managing multiple environments within one API installation for non-production while providing the reliability and physical segregation required for a production environment.

Let’s take a look at a high-level table of pros and cons for each method of segregating your environments.

Once you have your segregation strategy established, you must establish a set of standards to configure and manage each environment. In the next section, we will discuss the types of standards you should establish, as well as the importance of them.

Applying standards to your API environment

Up to now, we have discussed the governance process for organizing and managing your API lifecycle, including roles and permissions, approvals, and environment setup. These are all critical to the governance process, but they are mostly enforced by the initial configuration of your API Connect environment. That is, once you decide on how to implement these, and configure your installation appropriately, the restrictions put in place will enforce the rules. As you know, your API factory is a living and ever-changing cycle. Over time, you will be creating new APIs and changing existing ones. As this happens, there are certain aspects of the configuration that are not as easily controlled. These are the standards that should be established, monitored, and enforced to make your API organization a success.

As we have mentioned before, API creation is very different from our old application development where we could just develop some code or application and as long as it served its purpose, everyone was happy. If you think about some of your old running code in your production environment today, does anyone really know or care what you named your modules or functions within? Comments and descriptions were only helpful to someone debugging your code. In the API world, this all changed. Of course, your API still needs to work as designed, but there is just as much focus on the discoverability of your APIs. Are they easily searched? Are they self-descriptive? Are they grouped logically? Unlike your traditional application code, your APIs and products are all on display for the world (or at least your consumers) to see! Your thought process needs to be more consumer-centric. Because of this, you need to keep your API house clean by applying and enforcing some strict standards. Let’s take a look at some standards to think about when developing your APIs.


Keeping the consumer-centric theme in mind, you need to think about how the consumer can discover your APIs. Of course, they will be published to the developer portal within a product, but you cannot expect a consumer to scroll through all products and APIs to find the one they need. Consumers will likely be using the search feature within the developer portal to discover the APIs that might suit their needs. This search functionality is only as good as the metadata associated with your APIs; specifically, the description you provide when creating your APIs. Although this is an optional field when creating your APIs, it should be a hard requirement for you to always provide a complete description, keeping in mind keywords and phrases that might be used in a consumer’s search criteria.

In addition to consumers discovering your APIs and products via the search feature, they also have the ability to filter APIs and products by category. Adding categories to each of your products and APIs will make it much easier for your consumers to narrow their search results by category to see any and all products and APIs that may be of use to them in a specific category. Again, the easier it is to discover your products and APIs, the more successful you will be.

As you begin developing your APIs and adding them to your plans, it is important to take the time to consider this logical grouping of APIs in your products. With the consumer in mind, think about how this grouping would be useful and make sense to them. Consider the logical grouping of your APIs within a product somewhat of a logical category in and of itself. As your consumers search for and discover your products, they would likely find more than one API within a product useful if they are logically grouped together. Think about the different types of use cases each consumer might have, how different APIs fit into that, and also how your versioning strategy could coincide with the product as a whole.

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