Developer portal roles – Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect

As we move into discussing the different roles and permissions applicable to the developer portal, we should take a moment to step back and think about what the developer portal is, what types of tasks are performed, and who is involved in performing these tasks. As you know, the developer portal is where you socialize all of your APIs and products to be discovered. This is where consumers/developers will go to discover and subscribe to your products. With that understanding, it is safe to assume that the major actor in the developer portal will be the developer. Hence the name developer portal! By developer, we mean the developer of the applications that will be subscribing to and consuming your APIs and products. Developers will also require the ability to perform work within their developer organization such as building applications. Of course, you will have the person or people that will administer the portal itself. Other than that, there will not be the need for many more additional roles within the developer portal.

Let’s take a look at the small set of default roles and permissions available.

So, when we talk about roles and permission, we are talking primarily about how they pertain to the members within the consumer organizations.

There are a total of four default roles available within the developer portal and only eight different permissions available. Again, for a complete list and explanation of these permissions, please refer to Table 5 in the IBM documentation site mentioned earlier in this chapter. The four roles available are as follows:

  • Owner: This is the role assigned to the user assigned as the owner of the consumer organization. This user is specified when the consumer organization is created within API Manager for the specific Catalog. As the owner, this user will administer the consumer organization, therefore will have full permissions to it.
  • Administrator: This role can be granted to a user when inviting them to the consumer organization from within the developer portal. This user will be responsible for administering the consumer organization, therefore will have the same permissions as the owner role.
  • Developer: This role is intended for the developer who will be responsible for apps within the consumer organization. This role will provide view and manage permissions for application development as well as view permissions for everything else within the consumer organization.
  • Viewer: As its name implies, this user will only have view permissions to everything within the consumer organization.

Of the four roles available, one is automatically assigned when creating the consumer organization. That is the owner role. Once the consumer organization is created, the owner can invite additional members to it. This is accomplished within the developer portal by clicking the consumer organization name in the top-right corner and then selecting My organization, as shown in Figure 11.16:

Figure 11.16 – Navigating to My organization

This will bring you to the organization settings, where you can click the Invite button to invite new members. You will then be presented with a form where you will enter the email address of the member to invite and select the role that you wish to assign to this new member. As you can see in Figure 11.17, there are three roles available to select from:

Figure 11.17 – Inviting a new consumer org member

Once you complete the form, including the captcha, click on Save, and an invitation will be sent to the new member. Once the invitation is accepted, the new member will be included in the consumer organization with the role and corresponding permissions selected.

You have now seen how to assign permissions to users within your cloud manager, API Manager, and developer portal by using pre-defined and custom roles. This will establish the “who” in your governance process. Let’s now drill down a little deeper into how you can establish and maintain a meaningful versioning scheme that can also be enforced by using the roles defined for each user and group.

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